SADO Programs Live

 The second Thursday of each month SADO hosts a free program for the general public. You must register for this program by sending an email to and putting the words "register for SADO monthly program" in the subject line. We will respond to this email and send you the Zoom link for the session. Some programs SADO gives a 30 - 45 minute lecture on issues that are specifcally based on those who are present for the meeting. The remainder of the 60 minute program is spent answering any questions that have come up for you during their lecture. At other times SADO will host an "all questions" program where you will be able to ask any question you have. SADO has requested that these questions be asked orally as they find the sound of your voice allows them to connect with your guidance so that you get the most you can from their answer. Often times, these answers are based in the information from your individual life plan.  

These monthly sessions have been very helpful for all who are in attendance. At the conclusion of the time with SADO the participants are invited to stay in the Zoom room to have a discussion on the information provided by SADO. This discussion period generally lasts for 30 minutes or so. 

Everyone is invited to these free programs. There is no requirement that you speak, have your camera on or participate more than just listen. We, of course, would love to see your face as SADO speaks and especially if you are asking a question during the program or participating in the concluding discussion.